Saturday, December 27, 2008

Horse Racing

We went to Golden Gate Fields to watch the horse races today with my sister Julie and her husband Bob. It was an interesting experience, but a tad bit on the boring side. The races were 30 minutes apart, so a lot of sitting around and waiting, and then boom, the race started and finished in a blink of an eye! And, since we had no money riding on the results, it wasn't as enthralling. But, of the four races we watched, I picked two of the first place horses.

We then went to Fentons Creamery in Oakland for lunch and ice cream. Yummy! Nothing like a little ice cream sundae or banana split to fill up the belly.

Then, a relaxing evening at home. This is the good life. I love watching my dad with James. It is definitely heartwarming.
I am currently reading Lost on Planet China by J. Maarten Troost and I have to say, it does not make me want to travel to China. While I am sure there are wonderful places to visit in such an enormous country, it sounds like it is a hard country to travel in. Plus...I am just a picky eater...not sure I could handle some of the food served. Normally when I read travel books, I get the itch to get on the move. But this book makes me realize how nice it can be just to stay home. But, I want to learn to be content in whatever my circumstances and to try to stay in the center of God's will. That is the safest place for me to be, regardless of the physical location.
Oh, another thing I did this evening was try to map out the meals for the month of January. We will see how that actually goes. I plan on preparing 13 meals that will go in the freezer one day coming up and then I added other family favorites for the other days. Just trying to be a good steward of my time and also of feeding my family. It is too easy for me to go out to lunch or dinner because nothing is planned.

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