Friday, December 5, 2008

Disneyland. It really is a special place. We spent yesterday and today at Disneyland and CA Adventure and had a great time. Maria and William took two classes in the mornings. On Thursday they took Physics: Energy and Waves and on Friday they took Disney Leadership in Action: Pursuit of Excellence. Ken, James and I rode some rides, wandered around, and even got James' picture taken with Santa. We also saw the turkey that President Bush pardoned. After the classes, Maria went off with some of her friends and William went with us. We did way too much to put down. But, we have confirmed the James' favorite attraction in the Tiki Room.

Now, off to bed to do some reading. I did not read anything yesterday...a strange event indeed.

Oh, and still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing...when to post, what to post, how to post effectively. And, I am experimenting with various things along the way. Today is hyperlinking.


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! You are blogging! I think you should blog about books with little snippets of reviews - you can do all kinds of books - fiction, kids - whatever flights of fancy you have going on that month...just throwing out ideas (a lot like you do for me!)

Hope you are having fun in Disneyland!

Andrea said...

I like that concept of book reviews. I am thinking of keeping a running log of books I have read/movies I have watched. I am so bad at remembering names when I want to recommend them to others, so I thought this might be a good way to do that.

wedogmomma said...

Who I second the book reviews...and I applaud the hyperlinking......I haven't even tried that yet!
Welcome bloggy friend!

Amy said...

I am toying with the idea of taking the family to Disneyland for Noah's birthday. I will try the Tiki Room out on Ben.