Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ups and Downs

James has been teething. Poor guy. He is happy and then in pain and then back to being happy again. But, this too shall pass. I can now see and feel the tips of the two top teeth. I am hoping that once they erupt the intense pain will go away. At least until the next teeth decide to push their way out.

Maria got a new haircut on Tuesday and it looks great. I need to take a picture to show everyone. The highlights for Wednesday were Tim Miller being interviewed by the boys in writing class (need a snake taken care of...Tim's your man!) and having a wonderful meal delivered of Lumpia and Rice and Brownies by Tonya. Thanks...we all enjoyed it and had a few leftovers today. Today I went to lunch with Cindi at Sticky Chicken. I am so thankful for friendships that have withstood the test of time and circumstances and changes in seasons. Cindi is a real blessing in my life.

I finished a few books recently- The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan are ones I would recommend. March wasn't my seemed to drag a bit in my opinion. I am glad that I am keeping track of the books I have read- it is neat to be able to look back at them.

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