Monday, March 16, 2009

Fun-Filled Day

What a great day. James and I went to a Music Together preview class, of which Maritez and Heather attended, along with a lady I didn't know but would be at my house later in the day. After the class we went to playgroup, which is always fun. We then popped over to a park to meet up with Heather, Maritez and Amy....James at that point was tired, so he just slept in my arms. After we went home, I cleaned up the house and set the table for bookclub, which was at my house this evening. Then we all went to church where Maria and William and I went to a presentation about medical reasons for sexual purity. It was a very well-done presentation with a lot of factual information and not a whole lot of scare tactics. Then, Ken left to speak at the Community Outreach Center and headed off to airport to fly to Florida. The kids and I came home where I finished getting the house ready for bookclub. Bookclub was great- there were seven of us sitting around the table and talking and laughing and eating till all hours of the night....and we even discussed the book a bit. I highly recommend the book, Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. It sure made me think and consider and ponder various things and has stayed with me.

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